Friday, August 27, 2010


Don't get me wrong I am VERY THANKFUL I have a job...........................but 5:30 on Friday evening is my favorite time of the work week.

Just knowing that  I have the next two days to spend doing whatever I want with my family, brings me so much JOY!  Knowing that in the morning I do not have to rush my two sleeping beauties out of bed and get Tiana ready for school and Evan ready to go to his Grammy's, makes me happy.  First thing on Saturday morning when they both  wake up, they just kind of lay there like they know it's their time.  I thank God for moments like that.  When you have time to stop and enjoy life and all of his gifts.

I am also VERY THANKFUL  for the fact that for the first time in a long time this Sunday we are getting up and going to church.  I feel so renewed and ready to dive in.  Thank you to my sister in law who didn't know that I was making this move but for some reason invited us to come join them at there place of worship.  I am so excited!

Thank You God for the MANY blessing's in my life!!!!!

Have a Great weekend

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