Thursday, November 11, 2010

Knock Knock

One thing I will never forget about being a kid was.......... when you are excited about the coming day it seemed to take forever for the hour to arrive.  Tiana wanted to put her costume on the second her feet hit the floor on Halloween morning.  Evan would have been ok with that too, he was in love with his costume for sure.  We would put it on him and he would walk around for hours with it on until I decided to take it off of him, knowing he had to be burning up.  It was finally time...we let them get dressed and my sister and niece joined us.

They had an awesome time running around the yard before night fall.

It was impossible to get them all looking at the same time.  They were ready to get this show on the road.

Tiana striking a pose

My little Monkey ready to climb out of the wagon

My sweet little Ladybug Hailey

Off we go around the neighborhood.  We usually don't make to far and Tiana is ready to go home and give out candy.  She likes sitting outside and looking at all this kids costumes just as much as getting candy.

Someone did not like staying in the wagon, so he walked awhile.  We had a great time and really enjoyed the little ones.  Tiana was glad to not be the only one running around this year.

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